Saturday, June 21, 2008

Freezing weather

It is freezing cold today. I feel that the best place to be would be a cosy armchair and a book beside a blazing log fire.
I think that this year summer is going to be
something we spend months waiting for and it will be Autumn before some pleasant weather arrives. That would be better than nothing, of course.
The big old London Plane tree opposite to our house was tidied up the other day. not lopped but trimmed. I find the trees lining this busy road are comforting. They tend to take my mind of the more or less constant traffic. There are plane trees at this end of the road, and lime trees as you go towards the Edgware Road. The plane trees were probably planted when the Edwardian houses opposite were built.
I love trees. There are some magnificent oaks in one of the local parks. One in particular must be five hundred years old, a real veteran. I think of the generations of people who have lived and died since that tree was a sapling. There are several more oaks in the same park which must be approaching that age. It would be interesting if they could talk.
Now I think I shall go downstairs and make a cup of tea, get out a book and sit beside the fire, not a blazing log fire but a gas fire.


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