Friday, May 16, 2008

Leafy Suburbs

The other day Joe and I drove through some of John Betjeman’s “ leafy suburbs” (Metroland). We were on our way to a recycling depot. I have lived long enough on this side of London to be able to enjoy Betjeman’s TV programme “Metroland”. I never thought to have any sort of sentimental feeling for a London suburb but the years have gone on and over fifty years in North West London have had their effect. I would say it is a love-hate relationship, difficult to describe. I am interested in the history of London. It is so old. I have recently read a history of the development of London through the ages illustrated with maps from all the different times. It is fascinating. This book is “A Life in Maps” by Peter Whitfield.
I shall have to give some more thought to this odd feeling I have for London and maybe come back to it.

The photo is of part of our suburban garden.


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