Thursday, November 04, 2010

Still pottering about

Here I am again, getting through easily.

Quite a strong wind is blowing today. We walked through Mill Hill Park this morning. The sun shone but not ideal for a walk. I should not grouse as it could be much worse. It could be pouring with rain.
I have been looking , and listening, to Youtube lately. I find so much music which takes me back to the past, that I really must not listen too much. At my age it is not good to be too nostalgic. Live in the present is my motto. At the same time it is very fascinating to hear songs that I have not thought about for years. One of them that my Dad used to sing brings tears to my eyes. Pale Hands I Loved, a very old song.
The golden trees just outside the window are tossing in the wind. They are so lovely.
Now I am must switch off and think about lunch.


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