Saturday, May 31, 2008


A Rather Lovely Early Morning Sky
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Mothering Sunday Bouquet

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Innocence of Animals

In some strange way, when I look at animals of great variety.
At different times and in different moods,
Ferocious animals and mild,
Large and small,
I am often reminded of my dear old marmalade cat.
“How is this”? I thought,
How can this be?
Where there is no resemblance
How can I be so reminded
Now and then this idle consideration occupied me
But with no serious thought
‘til one day the common factor entered my mind.
What was this resemblance but the innocence of animals,
A shared possession that looks out
From the faces of all God’s creatures
Save humankind.
WE have free will.
They have the innocence of instinct.
We have the heights and the depths,
Glory and dishonour;
THEY have innocence.


Friday, May 16, 2008

Our suburban garden

Here is a better picture of our garden.
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Leafy Suburbs

The other day Joe and I drove through some of John Betjeman’s “ leafy suburbs” (Metroland). We were on our way to a recycling depot. I have lived long enough on this side of London to be able to enjoy Betjeman’s TV programme “Metroland”. I never thought to have any sort of sentimental feeling for a London suburb but the years have gone on and over fifty years in North West London have had their effect. I would say it is a love-hate relationship, difficult to describe. I am interested in the history of London. It is so old. I have recently read a history of the development of London through the ages illustrated with maps from all the different times. It is fascinating. This book is “A Life in Maps” by Peter Whitfield.
I shall have to give some more thought to this odd feeling I have for London and maybe come back to it.

The photo is of part of our suburban garden.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Spring 1979

The sun has come out today.
Venturesome leaves are a golden green;
The freezing wind has departed.
Whatever can this mean?

Is it Spring that has come out of hiding,
To startle those used to grey?
“Please stay with us now, don’t desert us.
Let Winter flee far away.”
This, which I wrote in 1979 reminds me of the Spring we are experiencing this year.