Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Seagulls at the Welsh Harp
I love to see the waterbirds of various sorts at the Welsh Harp.
This array of seagulls was splendid. It is wonderful to have such a
pleasant area not too far from where we live. We walk there fairly
frequently although lately the wintry weather has kept us away.
Soon the Spring will be here and, all being well, we shall be out and
about to pleasant places.
This array of seagulls was splendid. It is wonderful to have such a
pleasant area not too far from where we live. We walk there fairly
frequently although lately the wintry weather has kept us away.
Soon the Spring will be here and, all being well, we shall be out and
about to pleasant places.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Come Live With Me and be My Love
Come live with me and be my love ,
Was the passionate shepherd's cry
Some three hundred years since.
In Marlow's day the longing sigh
Of the frustrated lover was no less
Than now. Echoing down the ages
Come sad words, glad words, words of anxious
Entreaty, to join those on present day pages
Which sing the same song. Since those first two
In the garden romantic visions
of love and joy delight mankind.
Sweeping it on to the great decision.