Sunday, July 29, 2007

Before Breakfast
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

This photo was taken in Edinburgh. What was such a pleasure in this park was the fact that there were large numbers of beautiful wooden seats, all of them in memory of loved ones, and none of them had been vandalised.
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Summer Storm

Heavy air, tossing trees,
Atmosphere of foreboding;
A few crystal raindrops
Splash on the window,
Crystal on crystal.
A crowded bus with early lights shining
Passes the house, travelling on
Through the murky dusk
Leaving quiet behind.
Distant thunder reverberates, summer lightning
Flashes its warning of approaching turbulence;
Electric air carries tension.
All life awaits the coming storm,
Longing for the brilliance of after-storm clarity.

I love this fiercesome storm cloud that I managed to photograph last Sunday. I think it is splendid. There have been some wonderful skies this year.

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Some of Peggy's flower pictures. All except one were taken in our garden. The first one is from one of the Saga magazines.

Monday, July 02, 2007

My Great Grandparents Smith

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