Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Very Happy Occasion

The Strid, Yorkshire

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

At the moment I am wondering why I blog. It's just because I enjoy doing it, I suppose. There does not seem to be any sensible reason that I can think of. It is of no particular use to anyone. It occupies my mind which is a good thing.
I think that must be all for today.

Friday, June 22, 2007

A Perfect Rose

This rose was blooming in our garden when we got back from our recent visit to Yorkshire.
This short verse that I scribbled quite a few years ago reminds me of the weather that we are threatened with today.
Birds are quiet in the sodden garden,
Air is heavy with thunderous threat,
Drowned stillness,
Cimmerian gloom.
Distant reverberations rumble;
Louder they sound, then the first flash dazzles.
That crash was too soon,
Too near, too chimney- shaking.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Sea birds on some rocks at St Andrews in Scotland. I really liked St Andrews. I should like to visit there again sometime and spend more time exploring. The sun was shining and everything looked beautiful.