Saturday, January 27, 2007

A few of my books

A Booklover's Song

A world without books,
A life wihout books,
A home without books,

No passport to the minds of others
Whose thoughts are there between the covers;
Knowledge, adventure,romantic dreams,
All are there within those reams
Of print. Words by the million,
Some more valuable than golden bullion,
Some worth little, but still they're thoughts
From those whose minds are caught
By that demanding muse who must be obeyed.

So, books my pleasure,
Books my necessity,
Fill my shelves
And my enquiring mind.

The view from upstairs a couple of days ago. Very pretty while it lasted but the snow was soon gone.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Life's Progression

This is what I try to do, not always successfully!!

Appreciate the quickly passing moments,
Don't waste one!
Moments marking life's progression
Through the rain and sun.

Sun and rain,joy and sorrow.
Mark the life we lead;
Enjoy today, don't fear tomorrow,
Let our souls be freed.


Friday, January 19, 2007

As I have had a wretched cold this last few days I have not got on with any blogging. I think I shall go downstairs in a minute and decide on something in my life which may be interesting to write about. Not much for a couple of weeks that's for sure.
Before I do anything else I shall put the kettle on. This indicates what part of the world I come from, I think.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

This is a pretty little river called Silk Stream which Joe and I often walk beside. As it has been pouring with rain today, extremely heavy rain I must say, I expect it is overflowing its banks now.

Monday, January 01, 2007