Sunday, April 30, 2006

Frodo,the visitor who became a resident

Little ginger cat,

Whence came you?

Why to us

Do you confidently trot,

Tail proudly erect?

What did we to gain your trust,

Your belief in us

As the constant providers?

Little cat, where go you

When you are comfortably full

And at ease in your world?

You, the most shameless of

Cupboard lovers,

The most cat-like of cats,

We like to see you

Tigrishly loping down the lawn

On your demanding visits.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Rawicz and Landauer

I went to several concerts of their's many years ago. I cannot acknowledge the photographer. I expect it was originally a record cover. It is now on the cover of a CD I bought from Music and Memories. The CD is a very good one. digitally remastered, I suppose.

A Family Christmas 2004

We had the whole family for Christmas that year, nine of us altogether. Great fun.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


We are part of those who went before,
Back, back, to that unknown,
Uncomprehended beginning.
They were, and we are,
Always divided yet always joined
By a centuried procession of struggling forebears,
Heralds of today.

It has all led to now,
To us, people of modernity,
Who still battle with instincts
Of the tribe. Eternity tells us
There’s not so long between us.
They are at our shoulder.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Grandad Samuel

I was very fond of my Grandad Samuel when I was a little girl. He lived in Hampshire and he used to come and stay with us sometimes. We would go and stay at Long Acre, his place in Hampshire, not far from Titchfield. He grew strawberries in his retirement. Sadly, My grandmother Rosetta died many years before I was born.I think she is beautiful. They were a very dashing couple. The photo must have been taken soon after they were married.

My Grandparents

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Here is David in the Cairngorms. There was a whiteout. I think he will take Joe and me up in a mountain railway train later in the Spring.